Friday, June 8, 2012

Well, I finally have a blog that doesn't make you dizzy. The last one gave me a headache looking at it and I just couldn't figure out how to make it look all cute for the life of me! So, I enlisted a super sweet girl at Designer Blogs and she hooked me up! Now if only I had a recent family photo, it would be even better. I am not sure that is a possibility until this off season! I came up with the name of my blog through my friend Jill. It's hard to keep up with us if you don't talk to me everyday....or more like every second haha. When Dave "retired" from playing we just had no idea what was in store for our family. I wanted to work and run my own pharmacy, but the Lord quickly showed me that was not His plan! I knew deep down that Dave's heart was in baseball and that was the Lord's purpose for him. Before we knew it, he had an interview with the Toronto Blue Jays and he was offered a job as the rookie league pitching coach. We do not love the distance that separates us from one another, but we sure do feel like we are doing what we are meant to do! He absolutely loves the position he is in, and his happiness and seeing him do what he's meant to do, is very fulfilling for me if that makes sense.  When I made the tagline for my blog "joyfully living for His glory" it was very intentional. I have to remind myself to consider life and the trials pure joy.  Although happiness and joy can be present at the same time, happiness is based on material things or events, and joy, on the other hand, is from God and runs deeper.  If I teach my kids anything in life, it's to be joyful in all circumstances. The ONLY way I can teach them this is by example, so I have to be on my best behavior =))  So for now, if you are keeping up with us, the girls and I are in Florida with Dave and will be back at the beginning of August for school and work. I am going to continue working a tiny bit at Thomas Drugs and working a lot as a Matilda Jane trunk keeper!! So excited to be a trunk keeper this year for such an adorable company!!! =))) Not to mention at the end of the month I am going to be an aunt again to a sweet little girl I cannot wait to meet named Addie!! (note..I don't screen my blog for grammatical errors.. I just think and write haha.). I can't wait to love on her and of course, dress her up in some obnoxious hair bows and matilda jane.

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