No, you aren't seeing things, she's back to a full arm cast! Purple is her color of choice this time. We have had 5 now. That's terrible I know..The past couple of days have been a action packed. Thanks to my family and friends to help me laugh through it. Lots have asked if I get the special look at the hospital??? Well, thankfully, no! I am sure it's hard not to see my posts and not to judge me, but I am totally ok with that..HAHA. I am fine with the transparency of motherhood. I could write and pretend that I am awesome, but then who would that be helping? =))) SO..... here's how yesterday went... We skipped a friends birthday party because it was at the skating rink, and we thought it wouldn't be a good idea to bring our non skaters to the rink. One already has a broken arm, and the other two have tried to skate so many times and it's sad how ungifted they are in this area. So, I think I am doing my family a favor, and staying home and trying to replace the day with something fun. The girls LOVE making Christmas cookies so I decided that would get them excited. We made the dough and I needed to put it in the fridge for a little bit to get hard. As little girls do, they were hanging on my legs waiting on the dough to be ready and I said, " Go upstairs for 5 minutes and just find something fun to do!!" So, Katie and her friend and Kyndall went up there and put on gymnastics leotards and got out the beam and the cheese mat and decided to perform =)) In one second I heard "the cry". I didn't even need the girls to come get me. She was doing a cartwheel on the beam and fell off! For the love of Pete!!!!!!!!!! She has one good arm! She immediately passed out in my arms (which always happens when she breaks a bone because that is the way her body protects itself from severe pain).....I called Kitta and Jon to come save the day and finish making cookies and Dave and I took her to the ER. I will spare the details of our evening at the hospital but long story short, they sent us home telling me she was in pain because she already had a broken arm and that she was fine =( No matter my arguing, the lady just thought I was nuts basically. So I called her orthopedic doctor this morning and tried to fit her in at the same time as Kylie's appointment we already had at the ENT. I got to the orthopedic and everyone in there greeted us with hugs and asked Kyndall what in the world she has done now. She proudly tells the Dr. that she was doing a cartwheel. He said I thought I told you, "no running, no jumping, no showers and no gymnastics!" And she just smiled a big cute smile. The Dr examined her elbow and told me immediately she had fractured it. So, off with the Christmas cast and on with a new purple one.
I might add, that during this time and my trip to Atlanta for the ortho, Kyndall was nervous as could be and even had diarrhea on the way. We had to stop in a terrible area and run into a mcdonalds to let her poop. As I was waiting to turn right out of there, a homeless lady started knocking on my passenger window. God Bless her. She just needed some money but told her whole life story in a minute and asked for prayer and Kylie was able to chat with her for a bit. I loved how God used that little diarrhea moment for us to run into her and help her out. So anyways that was a little side note. My poor girl with her nervous stomach... It got worse later in the day..... But more about that later........ We get to the ENT where we are 2 hours late because the ortho took forever... I am sitting in the waiting room with the girls who are both crying because they are hungry and tired and my little monthly friend appeared. So as awesome as my day was... I had to scoop up both girls and walk over to the hospital store to buy my "goodies" and then walk back to the ENT oh and then explain to the ladies up front that I wasn't trying to be rude but had a woman emergency LOL. I could have scratched this appointment, but I just knew it would be a few months before I would be squeezed back in and something in me felt like I needed to go. Kylie needed a hearing test because she had ruptured her ear drum a couple months ago. So fast forward a little, and the Dr and I are talking to Kylie and explaining her hearing test. I tell her, "You have to pay good attention to the lady and what is on the screen so that your test will be accurate." And her reply is, "Well mommy, I will read the screen really good out of this eye, because I can't see out of the other one!' I mean.... REALLY!!!!???? The Dr looked at her and said, "Kylie, are you serious?" And Kylie said, "Yea. I can't see out of it," as calm as she could be. We covered her eye and asked her what she could see out of on one side, and it was fine and the other side she said, " I don't see anything but blurry." Awesome!!! So, I guess the good out of the ENT was that her hearing is fine, and we discovered she can only see out of one eye! Otherwise, I don't know how long she would have waited to tell us!?? So tomorrow we will make a visit to the eye doctor =) As we were leaving, Kyndall said, "mommy, I am gonna throw up." I looked at her for a minute, thinking surely this is not real life. someone pinch me and wake me up??????? But she was white and I ran down to the bathroom and barely made it with her in my arms as she barfed in the toilet. And that ended our day. I got home and took a shower and am sitting here reflecting on the fun. We will start over tomorrow and be thankful for a new day!! And to be honest, this one is over and I don't think it was that bad =))
BUT......... just in case....Tuesdays are my day to work at the pharmacy, and I think I will go =)) I think it's sounding pretty good right now, to let Dave handle the school, the eye doctor, the one armed child (who still has diarrhea??) and the gymnastics and cheerleading run =)
Disclaimer: I didn't even want to share with anyone that Kyndall broke her darn elbow because I can envision anyone's gut reaction thinking "geeez can that woman just watch her children????" But it's ok, it is what it is, and I have a busy little girl on my hands. She will grow up and not let anything stop her. I envision her being a leader, or just someone that has their mind on what they want, and will go after it. I have learned that having a child like this, is a bit of a challenge to parent, but honestly it's the way God made her. I pray we parent her in a way that doesn't break her spirit, but also in a way that she always respects authority. So for now, I will consistently tell her that she may not do flips in a cast, and consistently discipline her when she does, and just love on her. xoxo